Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Truthful Tuesday - Wishing for Summer

Warm weather, ball games, and time with my little ones makes me crave summertime. Summertime brings sleeping past 5:45 am, pajama days, morning cartoons, parks, swing sets - I love summers! Unfortunately school's in session until June 6 - Ughhhhh!
Here are just a few of my weekly confessions........

1) When the calendar hits May, my mind tends to "check out" - I am ready for summer. As a teacher, it's assessment time. Quizzing kiddos, longer recesses, fun "content-based" activities, and exciting field trips are all in my plan book!

2) Big C has Kindergarten Graduation on Thursday night - if you can "graduate" kindergarten. I will cry. This is Big C's last year at the most wonderful school I could imagine. I will truly be sad to leave these sweet teachers and adorable friends that he has made. Just wait - in just 2 years - here comes Little H! Look out!

3) It's quite amazing - my mom has officially sleep-trained my Baby G. When he's fussy, and I know he's tired - I just give him a passy and put him to bed. It's a miracle - in just a couple of minutes -he's fast asleep! Where was she when C and H were this age???

4) I have developed a love for mowing the yard! - Yes, we do own a riding mower and I just love to drive fast! As my neighbor (and assistant principal puts it), I just "put that thing in 5th gear and go!" I may not be the best mower, but I'm learning.

5) My husband has become quite the "homemade milkshake maker". Twice in the last week, we have enjoyed his tasty treats.

6) My plan was to become "tan and fit" by summer. So, I joined the local tanning salon to gain a nice, brown look. It is costing my family $40 a month for me to tan - and I've been ONE time! Oops! Will tells me, "you will tan - even if it's at 9:00 at night - we're paying for that."

7) Gray is officially cruising! I do not hover over him like I did with the other boys (especially Clayton). But I do stay at a close distance and he learns to explore! I love this stage!

8) As many of you know, I love taking pictures! So, when I was a little behind on my Shuttefly photo orders and had to order 482 pictures - this was no surprise to me. Neither was the $80 bill (which also included Gray's birthday invitations). But, when I came home yesterday, Will informed me that he had bought $100 worth of chicken from the meat man, that was totally O.K.??? "We will have enough chicken for the whole summer!" Where's the fairness in that????

Guess that's enough honesty for now.........until next time...........

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