Sunday, May 29, 2011

How Did This Happen???

It seems overnight that Graydon has become a toddler. From Baby G to crawling G, and now to cruising G. He races to follow after big brother and our poor bunny, Rockstar. He's in the bathroom, Hudson's room, dining room with fingers in the cabinets or even better - the bunny's cage.
He thinks he's big! He will now crawl across the backyard, towards the football field (while Daddy's playing flagfootball), or along the sidelines at big brother C's baseball games.
He takes baths with the other boys, eats off everyone's plates, and plays amongst superhero toys, trains, dinosaurs, and tries to attack Clayton's Legos.
He's either happy or mad - and he lets you know it! His screams and grunts let you know he's NOT happy!
He loves attention - being talked to or rolling a ball back and forth with Mommy/Daddy or brothers. He loves sitting at the table with the family at mealtime and getting snacks from Mommy & Daddy's plates. He loves his swing and many times drops his head to sleep. He loves to explore and look back to grin - just to make sure you're watching.
He hates strangers and being passed to anyone (even if for a second). He hates the church nursery and still cries. Many times I go to pick him up and he's in Grandma/Poppy's 2-yr-old classroom. He doesn't like a sippy cup and loves his bottle! He's not a cuddling baby - he wants down. Much like Big Brother C - he wants to be big and move around.

How did this happen??? I'm not sure.....
Here are some snapshots of our Baby G in motion!

Oh yes - did I mention - that he can also climb stairs???

this is his "bottom-in-the air, grass crawl"

in action..........

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