Friday, May 13, 2011

Throw Your Hats in the Air.........

Last night was Big C's graduation from Kindergarten (if you can actually graduate Kindergarten) - either way, it was completely perfect! From the sweet songs, to Clayton's intro speech, and caps and gowns, it was an awesome ceremony.
Mrs. Young gave the welcome announcement and handed the microphone over to Clayton.
"Tonight's program is dedicated to my Uncle Mark. He can't be here tonight, because he is serving our country overseas in the Air Force." - and......let the tears roll!

From there, his little class sang several songs - including singing/sign language to the Pledge, 50 Capitals/States to the tune of "Yankee Doodle", "Blue Skies and Rainbows" and several more. Child interviews included - what is your favorite part of Kindergarten and what do you want to be when you grow up:
C: "My favorite part of Kindergarten is P.E. and I want to be a builder when I grow up."
The performance was complete with a slide show of special Kindergarten moments.

Family was there to celebrate Big C's special night: Mommy, Daddy, little brothers (H & G), Grandma & Poppy, Aunt Shannie & Adalyn, and Grammy.

Huds looks on at our big graduate!

Then on to receive the awards. Dressed in a blue cap and gown, Big C receives his Kindergarten Diploma!

Big C's Kindergarten Class of 2011

Throw you hats in the celebrate!

In the car, Big C said "Whoo, glad that's over, that's my last graduation!"
Oh no, Clayton! You have many more graduation ceremonies to come - 1 from 6th grade, 8th grade, high school, and at least 1 college graduation. Mommy has big plans for you! This is only the beginning.

C: Oh really, O.K.

Just so he's still saying that at 18!

1 comment:

  1. claytons graduation story is so sweet brings back old times when my sons were that small now i have grandkids going through this soon wow
