Monday, May 16, 2011

In full bloom.........

Today was filled with cold winds and cloudy skies. But, thanks to our friend Corey, it was still a working night at the Daniels' house. We had mentioned to Corey (at church yesterday) that we were needing some mulch for our landscaping and guess what??? He piled it in our driveway this afternoon - talk about quick service! Kidding aside - we were truly thankful! A pile of mulch for $20 - super savings!!!

But the mulch couldn't stay piled in our driveway - so we (Will) began digging away. The kids enjoyed jumping and riding toys on this huge pile of dirt!

I stood back, gave direction, and snapped pictures of our landscape transformation.
The little boys had "worked" so hard...

that a McDonalds break was a necessity!

Clayton even took to hacking or "shoveling" the mulch.

I would have to say - Husband did pretty good for a cool night after a long day at work.

~ ~ ~
In other news.........guess what I managed to accomplish this afternoon????

Oh goodness! I'm pretty sure I now need a coupon organizer like those ladies on Extreme Couponing!

1 comment:

  1. Coupon binders will change you're life :) They're great!
