Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Tribute to My Toothless Big C

This past week, Big C has lost his 3rd tooth! His mouth looks more like a sweet jack-o-lantern at this point, and tooth #4 is very loose! My sister keeps saying "how big" he looks. I have been thinking back to my sweet Little C and rummaging through old photos.

You would never know it, by these sweet pictures, but Big C was definitely a difficult baby and toddler. When he was born, Will was working night shift and going to college, I was teaching, and our house was in total chaos! Big C didn't sleep through the night until he was 18 months old! - and that was only after we put him into a twin bed. It was a rough year and a half!

Big C has always had a special bond with my sister. I think it's because Will worked so much during those early months, and she did come over EVERY night and just hold Clayton to give me a break. Aunt Shannie and Clayton spent those nights reading stories, having photo shoots, and just spending time together! I was, and still am, thankful for Aunt Shannie!

After Little H arrived, Big C completely ignored him for about a week. Then (once he realized Hudson was here to stay), Big C has become the best big brother! Today, they spend days playing in the sandbox, playing basketball, Legos, and work puzzles together.

Big C has always been a "busy" boy! He seems to have endless amounts of energy! He runs, hops, leaps, jumps - you name it!

He is definitely our inquisitive child - always wanting to know "why" and "what's that?" His big, bright smile can make any day! He thinks he is sooooo funny and brings so much laughter to our home!

Here is my Big C - and the many more teeth to loose and laughter to come!

1 comment:

  1. Sniff :'( he will always be my baby. I love him sooooo much and it breaks my heart that he's growing up. I dont even want to think about it!!!
