Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday's (Oops, it's Saturday) 5 Fabulous Childen's Books

Ok, so I know it's Saturday. Somehow, I got caught up yesterday in my time management post and forgot all about my Top 5 Friday lists. Today's Top 5 include some of my all-time favorite children's books. Since I am a kindergarten teacher and a mom, I have seen tons of books come through my classroom and into my home. Included are just four of my treasures:

1) The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle - Truth be told, I love all Eric Carle books, but this is probably my favorite and his most popular. I use this book every year as my Kindergartners study the life cycle of a butterfly and my boys enjoy it just as much!

2) Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey - I love this sweet story! This story is about a Mama bear and her little cub and a Mom and her child as they are picking and eating blueberries on Blueberry Hill. This is a great read-aloud for young children of all ages!

3) The Little Engine that Could - a true classic! This is one of my favorite stories from my own childhood. I can remember my mom reading me this very story. And, since my big boys are obsessed with trains, I picked this book up at Christmas for Little H. This book's permanent home is on our coffee table, where I read this story several times a week!

4) Elmer the Elephant by David McKee - Elmer is definitely my favorite elephant! I love this story about individuality and being the person "or elephant" that you are. In this story, Elmer tries to disguise himself as an ordinary elephant and then comes to terms with being different and loves who he is!

5) Baby Trinket of the Week - "My Personalized Family Book" from
This has been one of Little H's and Baby's G's first books. Right now, it's merely a chew toy for Gray, but soon he will able to look through the pages of his family book and begin pointing to and naming members of our little family! We love it!

1 comment:

  1. I love Elmer! That's one of my favorite books to read and do activites with.
