Monday, February 28, 2011

He Can't Crawl, but He Can R-O-L-L!

Gray is unlike any of our other two boys. Big C began crawling and wanting down at around 6 months. Huds crawled only for a short time between 9-11 months. Baby G doesn't crawl at all, he only rolls. My mom says he gets it from me - she says I would roll like a tootsie roll across the floor. Well, that's exactly what Gray does - he rolls.

We will place him down on his mat, in the middle of the floor - the next thing we know - he's into the dining room, on the tile by the fireplace, or wedged in the corner of the coffee table.

Our pediatrician says "crawling is not a milestone" - as long as he gets from one place to another somehow - either by crawling, rolling, or scooting. OK - he does get around, and he is able to get anything within reach or grasp!

Here is a short clip I managed to snag last night, as he was rolling to grab his toys and Big C's backpack!

Our sweet Baby G, "Will you ever crawl?"

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