Monday, February 14, 2011

A Tasty New Treat!

So........., I have seen adorable cake pops all over the internet! A few of my friends have even tried these adorable bite-size cakes on a stick. Naturally, I thought I would give it a try. I have to say, there were scrumptious, but they were quite a bit of work! I'm still not quite sure they were totally worth it, but they were a hit at the Daniels' house!

Because I was making these cake pops for Big C's school Valentine's Day party, I decided to use red velvet cake for these bites.

I have never made a homemade, and I wasn't about to start last night - so, I used a red velvet cake mix and followed the directions. After the cake had cooled, I used my hands to mash up the cake into crumbles. Then added about 12 oz. of white frosting (from a can). Mix and blend thoroughly with your hands!

(YES! It was messy!!!)

Mold the cake mixture into small balls (a little smaller than a golf ball) and place on cookies sheets. This mixture made two full trays of red velvet balls. Refrigerate the cake balls for about an hour, until firm.

*You will need a large piece of Styrofoam for the next part*
After they are firm, you need to place the stick into the flat side of the cake ball and secure with a dime-size amount of chocolate around the stick. After each stick is secure, you will place back into the refrigerator until the sticks are securely in place.

I used approximately 4 bars of melting chocolate for this next step. After the sticks are secure, it is time for dipping. Hold each pop by the stick, and dip into the melted chocolate. Placing each pop back into the Styrofoam to catch the chocolate drippings. *You will need to decorate the pops as you dip, before the chocolate has a chance to harden.* After each pop is dipped, decorated, and placed back into the Styrofoam, the cake pops will need to be refrigerated again for another hour. This will allow the chocolate time to harden.

After the cake pops are hardened, I wrapped each pop in a small cellophane bag and tied a small ribbon around it for decoration.

I have to say - they do make the perfect bite-size treat!
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. So soooo delicious!!!! I was thrilled to snag one at the party!

  2. They are yum-o.

    Don't worry--they get easier to make the more practice you have.

    I do the cupcakes ones. I have even sold several batches for people to share at birthdays, showers, etc.

    They are very impressive to look at and they are the most amazing treat I have ever put in my mouth.
