With three busy boys, we have to have some sort of order and discipline in our home. I am definitely not the "Queen of Discipline", but I do have a few tricks that Will and I use to keep our boys "somewhat" behaved.
1) PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE!!! We praise Big C and Little H constantly for all the things they are doing right! "I love the way you are sharing your toys!" "Thanks Hudson, for picking up your room!" "Clayton, thanks for getting that bib for G!" I know it sounds silly, but it works! They do want to please,......sometimes.
2) Count to 3 - I know this is a discipline controversy - (how your kids should obey the 1st time), but, let's get real - they don't! at least always obey the FIRST time. But they do obey! When the boys are having a hard time, I do count to 3. 1,.......2,........(and by then, they have done what I ask). It usually doesn't go any farther.
3) Toys to timeout - Toy sharing is sometimes an issue at our house - and when it is, the toy goes to timeout. If they can't share the toy, then they can choose something else to play with for a time. After a few minutes, usually they have forgotten about the toy and have moved on to something else.
4) Money Jars - I saw this idea and copied it. We love it! Big C has 3 jars (Giving to God, Spend, Save). When Big C earns money from a special task or chore that he has done, he receives a small reward for his work and can place it in a jar. Being a kid, he does often want to place his money in the "Spend Jar". We just gently remind him, that he will need an offering on Sunday and after all, "It is God's money, first!" He has responded really well to this jar system.
5) Time-out - just like it sounds! We don't really have a certain time-out place. I am fortunate in that Huds will walk himself to "time-out" and sit on the stairs until I call for him to explain "the incident". When Clayton was a toddler, we were not so fortunate! Clayton would sit in the kitchen chair - throw a tantrum, kick his feet, rock the chair (a real angel). But it does work, and we use it with both kiddos.
6) Spanking - YES! we spank! It is a last resort, but sometimes, there's just no other alternative. With the big incidents, or simply repeatedly disobeying, we will spank the boys.
Here's a little insight into what works for us. Discipline is ongoing and isn't always perfect, but it does pay off in the end. Here's to 3 happy, well-adjusted boys!