Monday, January 31, 2011

Growing up, way to fast!

Clayton is our 6-year-old kindergartner, and he is growing up way to fast!

Here he is tonight with his reading assignment.

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Big C is truly our "Big C" and he has become quite the little helper. My sister says, "he could raise himself."

Clayton: Mom, I can make my own chocolate milk.
C: Mom, I can make my own ham/mustard sandwich.
C: Mom, I can get the mail.
C: Mom, I can pick out my own clothes for school.
C: Mom, I can tie my own shoes.
C: Mom, I can watch Hudson while you take a shower.
C: Mom, I can reach that game.

See what I mean???? I am proud of the big boy he is becoming; but, I must admit it does sadden me a little.

In the same regards, I ask tons of him too......
Me: C, will you get Gray a diaper?
Me: C, will you get Hudson a glass of chocolate milk?
Me: C, will you make your bed?
Me: C, will you pray for our meal?
Me: C, will you play with Gray for a bit?

I guess I should be glad he is such a big helper. Though sometimes, he is extremely head-strong (he gets that from Will) and could drive us a bit nuts, he has a huge heart and is truly an awesome "big brother!"

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