Thursday, January 20, 2011

Big Boy in a Big Boy Crib!

When Graydon was born, he was such a snuggle bunny. He spent many nights in a bassinet by our bed, and then, when he would wake up in the middle of the night, I would snuggle with him in our bed and he would fall fast asleep. We continued with this for about two months. At two months, we began placing him in his bassinet, occasionally giving him his passy if he would wake, and he began sleeping 8-10 hours a night - how great! This was something new for us! Big C did not sleep through the night until we transitioned him into a twin bed at 18 months. Hudson did not sleep fully through the night until around 11 months. So, the fact that Baby G was sleeping 8-10 hours at 8 weeks was amazing!
Will and I agreed, who would mess with that???? We (mainly me) loves sleep! Well.......forward 5 months and little cousin Adalyn arrives home and needs a bassinet - should we boot Baby G out of his bed and lend our beloved bassinet? I guess so. It did seem about time. Two nights ago, we placed Graydon in his crib. He went to sleep around 10:30, woke up once around 3am and then slept until 8am! Last night, he went to bed around 9:30 and slept til around 7:30! I guess we've officially transitioned our Baby G into his big boy crib! It does seem a little sad - he seems to be growing right before our very eyes! I am trying to make sure that I enjoy these baby days, because soon they will be pictures and memories of days passed. I am truly treasuring our Baby G!

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