Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hudson Humor

I have to say, our 2.5-year-old Hudson constantly keeps us laughing. His sweet smiles, the funny things he says, and Kentucky southern accent make him the little boy he is! Clayton was very verbal at this age, though it seems that Hudson is even more so. Maybe due to the fact that he spends endless days with Grandma, big brother, and Mommy, who all do their fair share of chatting!

Just this week, I have been jotting down some "funny Hudson sayings".
Enjoy a good laugh at our sweet son........

1) After running back from the bathroom - H: "I have to go to school in my underwear!"

2) While playing with dinosaurs in the floor - H: "One time the dinosaurs said we are gonna poop in the potty, not in our diaper!"

3) When discussing going to the doctor - H: "Bubby and Gray can go to the doctor. I will sit in the car and wait."

4) After getting Hudson ready to go out for errands - H: "Good job, Mom!"

5) While cleaning Hudson's face at the beauty shop - H: "Mom, I not an orphan (pronounced urphan)!"

6) When I ask him to pick up his toys - H: "I watching the T.V."

7) Today while playing in the floor - H: "I love you, Gray."

8) After waking from his nap - H: "I want my Dad."

9) While I'm cooking dinner and see Hudson on top of Gray - H: "I just want to hold him."

10) When putting on his underwear - H: "Mom, I wanna wear my underwear backwards."
Whatever Hudson. (He likes to see the pictures on the front. At least he's wearing undies)

11) When taking Hudson by the hand to hurry him along - H: "Mom, don't squeeze me!"

12) While our friends Mahlon and Ashley were babysitting - Mahlon says "Hudson, I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom." Hudson's reply: "O.K. Mahlon (Ma-win) don't get lost."

Here's to our sweet Hudson - who brings joy and laughter into our home (and a lot of rowdiness!)
We love you!

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