Friday, April 29, 2011

Secret Life of a Kindergarten Teacher

I am coming to a close on my 8th year of teaching kindergarten. Each year brings new and exciting changes and challenges. This year I have been fortunate enough (with my team of teachers) to create a theme-based curriculum focused around great literature and teachable opportunities for 18 little kiddos.
The life of a kindergarten teacher, or any teacher for that matter, can be somewhat chaotic and hectic. Those outside of the teaching profession sometimes just don't quite get it.
Here is a peek inside.

Only a kindergarten teacher sends her husband to the grocery (or makes a quick run myself) 5 of the 7 days of the week. What am I buying???? gummy worms, chocolate cake mix, 200 plastic bugs, skittles, Cheez-it crackers, glitter stars - you name it.
Gummy worms and chocolate cake mix to create a class compost cake.
Plastic bugs for an observation lesson of adding using fun bug counters.
Skittles to sort and graph.
Cheez-it crackers to measure objects using a non-standard measurement.
Glitter stars for our "universe in a bottle project" during our study of the solar system & space

Only a kindergarten teachers has 2 class pets as once (one was just visiting) - and my record with class pets is not that great.
We had a visiting bunny for our Easter unit. And now a tadpole for our study of the frog life cycle - who knew it took a tadpole 4 months to convert into a frog???

This sweet bunny is the #1 reason we now own Rockstar - I fell in love after a week!

Only a kindergarten teacher LOVES to create and paint. This is our awesome class solar system mobile that hangs from our classroom ceiling. I am truly impressed with how great it turned out! And yesterday, we began to paper mache our own planet earths in celebration of our study of Earth week.

Only a kindergarten teacher looks for any reason to celebrate!
Halloween Parties - dress up, carve pumpkins, eat scary treats
Christmas - Polar Express-themed party complete with hot chocolate and pajamas
Valentines - wrap boxes, chocolate treats
St. Patrick's - everything GREEN party
Easter - baskets, eggs, more yummy treats
Earth Day - landscaping, planting, and another yummy treat (a compost cake!)

Will says "everything has to have a theme!" I guess this does sort of become a way of life. Kid birthday parties, holiday celebrations - it just makes sense.

This was just a peek inside my crazy, fun-filled mind. I'm sure I drive those around me crazy, but I LOVE it!!!

Gray is on the Move!

Yesterday was full of excitement for our little Baby Gray!
I had a full day of work - spending the day as a Kindergarten teacher (6:45-2:30), seeing 2 First Steps kiddos (2:45-4:45), then returning to school for Kindergarten Transition Night (5:30-6:30). I had not been home or seen my sweet boys all day! Will was with Big C at a birthday party and Mom had the little boys........again.
After leaving school, I rushed to Mom/Dad's to pick up the boys. I walked in the front door to see Little H and Baby G playing in the floor.
Then.............I saw this.............

I couldn't believe it! G had never even attempted to move forward. Until this, he had been content to roll around - our little "tootsie roll." Aunt Shannie was there to capture this sweet moment on her IPhone! I was ecstatic! Shannie and I laughed and cheered! Grandma cried. I have to say - it was pretty sweet. I immediately called Will to share Gray's big accomplishment.

Good luck Grandma, Gray's on the move!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Truthful Tuesday: Pet-Owner Edition

We have all learned quite a bit since becoming pet-owners (or rabbit owners) this past weekend. Below are just a few of our confessions.......

1) Don't leave a 2-year-old unattended with the new pet bunny - your child just may try to drink from the bunny's water bottle!

2) Don't let your 6-year-old carry the bunny back to his home - he just may drop him on the hardwood floor.

3) Don't let your new bunny play near or around your 10-month old - he just may try to grab and kick at your bunny while the bunny is trying to sniff at him.

4) Mommy must scrub her hands/arms after every bunny outing. I do think I am allergic to Rockstar, due to itching, watery eyes (only occasionally) and shortness of breath (only once)! We ARE keeping him! - He is sooooo cute! and the boys love him!!!

In other news.....

4) After 8 years of teaching, I still get extremely nervous about being observed in my classroom. I was observed this morning by my assistant principal and could feel myself sweating and becoming nauseous. - All went perfect!

5) I am so proud of myself - I have greatly improved my at-home cooking (or lack there of). In the past two weeks, I have made a chocolate chip cheesecake, lasagna, meatloaf, and fried chicken - just to name a few! My husband is very happy!

6) My student teacher leaves me next week. I am truly sad that she will be leaving my classroom. I have enjoyed her so much and my kiddos have come to love her!

7) I hate this rain and all things wet and dreary! I am so ready for warm, sunny days filled with boys splashing in a blow-up pool, riding bikes, baseball games, reading books, coloring & Play-Doh, small getaways, family time, days in pajamas - PARADISE!

That's it folks!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rockstar: The Newest Member of our Family

Easter morning, the Easter Bunny left our little boys a special surprise - a bunny!

As many of you know, I am SO against pets! For one, I am allergic to everything - dogs, cats, and yes - probably this sweet bunny. However, in the past week my school classroom has been enjoying a class bunny - thanks to my student teacher and friend, Amanda. After a week with "Thumper", I was convinced that my boys needed a pet - a bunny!
How great would it be to have all 3 boys' Easter baskets displayed with a bunny surprise in front??? Sounded like a plan to me. Will was a little apprehensive about this "great plan" I had, but it didn't take too much for me to convince him that this would be a fabulous treat for the boys! "They would love it!"
Friday night - and "all-in-one" cage was bought - including cage, food, food dish, bedding, water bottle, and even a toy.
Saturday - Amanda dropped off our little bunny, he was hidden in our bedroom - we were set! Saturday night after the boys went to bed, assembly of baskets and bunny began!

Sunday morning - Mommy introduces our sweet bunny to the big boys! Clayton names him "Rockstar" - I don't know why!?!

The boys are a little timid at first, but soon warm up.

Our first moments with Rockstar!

Note: H is yelling "Come here, Rockstar!" in the background.

What a sweet addition!

I have even assigned the boys small jobs in helping with this new pet. Little H helps Daddy pour bunny food into his dish and Big C refills his water bottle.

I do wonder if this sweet rabbit will last 12 years in our family (typical bunny life expectancy)????

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Egg Hunt #2

For the past 3 years, we have attended the Bieber Easter Egg Hunt. My childhood friend, Courtney, and her family stuff and hide over 1,000 Easter eggs for the kiddos and hide them throughout their huge farm yard. Tons of eggs, not too many kids, and yummy treats, make this tradition a MUST!

Big C lined up and ready to go! - with the school-aged kiddos.

Little H lined up and ready to go! - with the birth-preschool-aged kids (Courtney and Baby Michael are in the background)

Daddy and Baby G watch the egg hunters (next year is G's turn)

Little H hunting - he's doing pretty good. Only needs a little help. Little H found a total of 42 eggs.
It's Big C's turn - with some supervision of Aunt Shannie and Adalyn.

Big C is struggling to carry his basket- maybe because he found a grand total of 72 eggs!

After the hunt, we must check out our treasures.

And, Adalyn must sample a plastic carrot egg.

Can't wait until next year!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

An Easter Tradition

I have always loved dying Easter eggs. As a child, my mom would dye eggs with us each year. So, when I had the boys, I was determined to carry on this tradition. In previous years, we have sparkled eggs, decorated Sponge Bob eggs, sports eggs- you name it!
This year, we decided to use crayons, a sports kit, and monster kit for a little variety. We also had big cousin, Cameron, here to enjoy the fun!

Using warm eggs the crayons melt and blend.

H was only interested for a short time.

Cam and C hard at work........

Our monster creations!

This is what you get when you have 3 little boys!

Now - time to hide and hunt our scary creatures!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (Almost)

Two brothers............

One brother, reaching...........


I got him!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Bigger, Sweet Voice

We absolutely love Big C's school!!! And this sweet video is just one of the many reasons why!

Other reasons why we love Big C's school:
2) Prayers are said every morning
3) Chapel is every week
4) Songs and praises are learned and sang
5) Memory verses are practiced
6) Little Readers are stories of Jesus and his teachings
7) C is surrounded by sweet little friends and sweet families
8) Teachers are Christians, who teach the truths of Jesus
9) Kindergarten is balanced with teaching and PLAY!
10) High expectations are established and these little kiddos perform!

He looks ready for 1st grade to me!

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Sweet Voice

Tonight while H was in the bath, I was able to capture his sweet voice on video.
Note* the coughing and splashing in the background in our Baby G!

It's never too early to begin learning the truths of Jesus!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hudson Humor

I have to say, our 2.5-year-old Hudson constantly keeps us laughing. His sweet smiles, the funny things he says, and Kentucky southern accent make him the little boy he is! Clayton was very verbal at this age, though it seems that Hudson is even more so. Maybe due to the fact that he spends endless days with Grandma, big brother, and Mommy, who all do their fair share of chatting!

Just this week, I have been jotting down some "funny Hudson sayings".
Enjoy a good laugh at our sweet son........

1) After running back from the bathroom - H: "I have to go to school in my underwear!"

2) While playing with dinosaurs in the floor - H: "One time the dinosaurs said we are gonna poop in the potty, not in our diaper!"

3) When discussing going to the doctor - H: "Bubby and Gray can go to the doctor. I will sit in the car and wait."

4) After getting Hudson ready to go out for errands - H: "Good job, Mom!"

5) While cleaning Hudson's face at the beauty shop - H: "Mom, I not an orphan (pronounced urphan)!"

6) When I ask him to pick up his toys - H: "I watching the T.V."

7) Today while playing in the floor - H: "I love you, Gray."

8) After waking from his nap - H: "I want my Dad."

9) While I'm cooking dinner and see Hudson on top of Gray - H: "I just want to hold him."

10) When putting on his underwear - H: "Mom, I wanna wear my underwear backwards."
Whatever Hudson. (He likes to see the pictures on the front. At least he's wearing undies)

11) When taking Hudson by the hand to hurry him along - H: "Mom, don't squeeze me!"

12) While our friends Mahlon and Ashley were babysitting - Mahlon says "Hudson, I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom." Hudson's reply: "O.K. Mahlon (Ma-win) don't get lost."

Here's to our sweet Hudson - who brings joy and laughter into our home (and a lot of rowdiness!)
We love you!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Truthful Tuesday (On Thursday) Again!

Ok...., so I'm really bad at "Truthful Tuesdays", but I am getting pretty good at "Truthful Thursdays"! Anyway - after a wild and crazy Spring Break and week to follow, I found myself having quite a bit to jot down.

Here it goes......

1) I DID NOT tell my husband this week during by bout with strep throat, that I would much rather be in labor than dealing with this. And, much to my surprise, his reply, "Honestly, you handled labor so much better!"

2) I DID NOT find myself taking 1, 2, or yes - maybe 7 Hydro-codone pills in just 2.5 days. I'm pretty sure Sunday and Monday are just foggy glimpses of memories.

3) I absolutely LOVE working in the yard. Or even better, thinking of a plan, designing it in my head, and then kindly asking my husband to do the "manly" work while I sit back and observe and NEVER critique! (ok - sometimes critique a little)

4) As noted in last week's truthful list - I have yet to cook my family one meal this week......again! I'm becoming a total failure in this department. Well - Monday and Tuesday strep throat, Wednesday - Will made spaghetti, Thursday - late night at school - so Will and little boys had to fend for themselves, while C and I had Wendy's, Tomorrow - who knows! - maybe I'll make a recovery! Oh yeah - Family Haircuts at 5:30 - never mind.

5) I WOULD NEVER leave my classroom for 2 days without any formal written plans. But - yes I did! I did have the plans my team creates - a brief review and I have an absolutely wonderful student teacher who can improvise on a moment's notice. So, when I texted her Monday morning to tell her I wasn't going to be there and then again on Tuesday morning - she totally went with it!

6) Monday all boys went to the doctor to confirm what we already knew - big boys had strep throat. Monday - C stayed home and I DID NOT send him to school on Tuesday. In my defense, he never had any symptoms (no fever, sore throat, body ache, nothing!) And, the doctor told Will that with strep throat you are contagious up to 5 days before symptoms, and not once the meds are in your system???? Anyway, the note excused him until Wednesday, but he went Tuesday! - hope no harm was done!

7) I ABSOLUTELY KNOW that my Gray is the cutest, chunkiest baby on the planet! He just melts me!

8) I am proud to announce that I love party-planning! Yes - I'm a party addict! I have been planning Gray's 1st birthday for months and have many of the details (cake, snacks, theme) decided - just not purchased.

Well.......there it is folks - a Truly Truthful Thursday - enjoy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - On Skates

Spring Has Sprung and Daddy Can Blog!

Where have we been??? Well............., Saturday night my wife came down with strep throat and the rest is history. Two little boys with positive strep tests, loads of antibiotics, and a few pain pills for Mommy and we might be on the road back to recovery.

Spring has sprung and we are full of spring firsts at our house. Last Saturday our boys got to enjoy their 1st spring Easter egg hunt. We are blessed to be in a new small group with loads of kiddos running around - perfect for hunting with.

Mrs. Brooke explains the "true meaning" of Easter - with Resurrection eggs to share.

Let the hunt begin........

Gray didn't get to hunt this year - but he still looked cute!

And of course, we finish the morning off with some tasty treats!

Later that afternoon, we even began some spring yard work. My wife's idea of Saturday-fun is to move 2 trees from the back of the yard to the middle of the yard (where she says they can be of use). Thank goodness my little brother (a.k.a. Uncle James) was able to help. We also had a couple of eager helpers - in usual fashion they are always ready to get dirty!

Uncle James showing Huds how to "dig a hole"

He looks like a pro!

Two brothers working together!

Clayton and Hudson filling in the NEW big hole in our yard.

This is too much for Gray!

Clayton watering our NEWLY transplanted tree! - (See the tree in the back? - that's tree #2 to be moved at a later date!)

I'm sure my wife has many more jobs on my list of to-dos, but for today - she was satisfied (I think!)