Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I have peace and quiet for the next few minutes, so instead of folding and putting away those 6 loads of laundry, I am blogging - how crazy is that?
C had his Valentine's party at preschool today. We made shovel valentines for the kiddos and train cupcakes. C had a great time helping with the shovels and stuffing his own goodie bags. This is the first year he was able to write his own name on the tags of the cards. It was so precious.

When I got to Mom's this afternoon to pick up the boys, C was, of course, munching away on his Valentine candy. Explains why he is just now at 4:00 in the afternoon taking a nap.

This picture was taken last week, while Little H enjoyed the all famous, Biter Biscuit. Needless to say, he got a bath in the kitchen sink. Big Brother C thought this was hilarious! I should show him similar pictures of himself.

My wonderful husband has already given me my Valentine's Day presents. He can never wait, and I HATE surprises. I got a new Mommy necklace with the boys names on it. Also, I never seem to have pictures of my little kiddos with me - even though between my sister and me, we take tons of picures. He purchased me an adorable album to carry with me - my little "brag book." If you know me, you know that I specifically asked for each of these gifts - as I said before, NO SURPRISES!

Oh, one more thing - unlike other mothers who had "first snow of 09" pictures of their kids on Facebook the next day, I am just now uploading those off of my camera -
Little H only sat in the snow for a few short minutes. Big C made snowballs, threw snowballs at the house and doors, and rolled around outside - He loved it! Unfortunately, it will probably be the only snow we see this year.

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