Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Hunky Husband!

1) What's his name?

2)How long have you been married?
6 1/2 years.

3)How long did you date?
4 years

4)How old is he?
31 (man, is he getting old, or what?)

5)Who eats more?
He probably eats more, but he can skip meals throughout the day and make up for it later. Me, on the other hand, I eat small meals during the day.

6)Who said, "I love you," first?
I think he did, but I did right after.

7)Who is taller?
He is - He better be - I'm only 5'1.

8)Who sings better?
Probably me - he may be a jock, but he can't hold a tune for anything.

9)Who is smarter?
Probably he is - He loves crossword puzzles and knows a lot of history. He's also better in math than I am. However, I manage the bills and our day-to-day living.

10)Who's temper is worse?
Mine - the littlest thing can set me off and totally ruin my day - I like things "my way." He is more "go with the flow of things".

11)Who does the laundry?
We both hate the laundry. We do manage to wash the laundry, but then it sits in baskets for weeks on end.

12)Who does the dishes?
Uh, yeah - the same with the laundry - we hate housework. He ends up loading/unloading the dishwasher most of the time.

13)Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
He is on the right side by the window. I have to sleep by the alarm clock.

14)Who pays the bills?
I do - as mentioned before. I have a peace knowing that I take care of them, otherwise, they worry me.

15)Who mows the lawn?
Um.... he does, except when I thought mowing the lawn would be a great weightloss plan - that didn't last long.

16)Who cooks dinner?
Most of the time - I do.

17)Who drives when you are together?
He does - though I am a really bad sideseat driver.

18)Who is more stubborn?
Definitely me!!!!

19)Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
Never me!!! I never would admit to being wrong - Have I ever been wrong? I don't think so.

20)Whose parents do you see the most?
Mine. My mom keeps the boys every day.

21)Who has more friends?
I don't know - that would be a toss up.

22)Who has more siblings?
He does - he has 2 brothers. I have one sister.

23)Who wears the pants in the family?
Probably me again. I am working on that.

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