Thursday, March 17, 2011

When Daddy's Gone

Will left for a work trip on Tuesday afternoon - that has left me home alone with 3 little boys! So, what do we do when Daddy's gone?

We wear our pajamas all day and all night! The truth is - Mommy hates clothes! I put on my pajamas as soon as I walk in the door! At least Little H has taken after me - many days when I get home, he is still in his pj's!
We take long naps on the couch. This is especially true for Big C, who is recovering from the dreaded stomach virus. He loves the couch - takes after his Mommy! He has snuggled up in his blankets and taken naps on our comfy couch, several days and nights!

We play games in the house! I found this adorable Pottery Barn bowling set at a consignment sale last week and the boys absolutely love it! We sit the bowling pins up in the hallway and start bowling! Clayton's favorite is "human bowling" where you roll yourself into the pins to knock them over! I haven't tried that yet!

We play dress-up and look super adorable! Little H loves his Spiderman costume! Even today (after he has caught the stomach virus) - he is sporting this suit!

We lay in the floor and roll around! - Baby G loves the floor more than any other baby we've had! Better than being held or cuddled - he loves to roll, kick, and explore the carpet. In this picture, it looks as if he's found one of the big boy's trucks.

We bake brownies - in our underwear! Little H is officially potty-trained!!!! Hallelujah! Last night Huds helped me in the kitchen as we baked a batch of brownies. Here he is cracking eggs for the mix - he does need a little practice.

Will came home tonight - we were so excited! He came bearing gifts for the boys and to rescue me for single-parenthood! Now that Big C is cured for this awful stomach bug, Little H and Baby G are on the mend, and Daddy is home - our life can get back to normal CHAOS!

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