Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bedtime Stories

Big C and I have started something new. He recently had his school book fair, and was able to purchase a few books of his choosing. Accompanied by Poppy and Aunt Shannie, Clayton chose the typical boy books - Snakeophobia, two Goosebumps books, Dinosaur Bones, and Buzz Boy and Fly Guy. The Goosebumps books have become our favorites!

Each night after bath and our family Bible time, we head upstairs to Clayton's room. We snuggle under the covers and read at least two chapters (they're small chapters) in his Goosebumps books. Now, these books may be controversial for a 6-year-old, but as long as he's loving to read and have stories read to - I'm all for that! And.....I love this sweet time with my big boy! We do talk about how all of this is "sooooooo make believe! - this stuff could never really happen!" He just smiles and shakes his head - "I know Mom!" My Clayton is getting so big! - growing up right before my very eyes.

But, it's moments like this....I will always cherish!

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