Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday's Fab 5 - Modern Conveniences

I sometimes wonder what it was like 100 years ago without modern-day conveniences. We have gotten so used to clicking and swiping - it comes second nature. There are five things I have found that make life so much easier for our little family!

1. Online Billing - I have always been the one to pay all of our family bills. Until about 2 months ago, when I accidentally mailed 4 of our monthly bills (car, house, jeep, cable) without the enclosed checks inside! Oops! Do that just one time, and it's amazing how quickly your husband will take over the bank account! I have to say, in the past couple of months, Will has turned our billing-paying around. He has set up accounts online, automatic bill pay, - you name it! I don't have to write 12-15 checks each month, and I just check in with my spending - so much easier!

2. DVR - Will and I are both a fan of murder mystery TV - Criminal Minds, Law&Order, Bones. However, these are shows that we can't obviously watch when little boys are running around. So,...thank you DVR. After the boys are snoozing away, we can enjoy some suspenseful drama.

3. Online Shopping - I have mentioned before that cute boy clothes are hard to come by. Thanks to the computer, I am able to purchase adorable outfits for the boys that I can't seem to find in stores. The Internet is also a great resource for finding unique toys for kids! is a great site for kid toys! For special occasions, I will shop online at or

4. Shutterfly! has been a lifesaver! It is a fast and easy way to purchase pictures in bulk (like 500+) and get them in 3 days! It is also a fun way to design and create Christmas cards, birthday invitations, family picture albums, birth announcements! - Whatever!

5. Organic baby food - Baby Must-Have of the Week! Thank you, Aunt Shannie and Grandma, for finding this adorable and easy baby food. Target now sells organic squeeze tubes of baby food. The flavors may sound a bit crazy - pumpkin and parsnips, pears and peas - but Gray loves it! It is designed for the baby to hold the tube and squeeze or suck the food into his/her own mouth! - we're not quite there yet, but we're working on it!

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