Friday, January 13, 2012

Family Meal Planning

Ok - so we are trying something new at the Daniels' House. Mealtimes have become rather of a hassle lately - Hudson picking at his food, Clayton asking "how many more bites" - we needed a change.
I thought the idea of "Family Meal Planning" (I made that name up) sounded like a great idea. There are 7 nights in a week - so Will & I choose 3 meals, Clayton chooses 2 meals, Hudson chooses 1 night and 1 night we get dinner somewhere out.

Last week's meals:
Sunday - Clayton's choice - Homemade Biscuit Pizzas
Monday - Hudson's choice - Chicken nuggets/fries
Tuesday - Will's choice- Meatloaf, green beans, potatoes
Wednesday - Will's choice - Tacos
Thursday - McD's night
Friday - Mommy's choice - Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Saturday - Clayton's choice - Steak, sweet potatoes, & salad

Not too bad........

This coming week:
Sunday - Mommy's choice - Breakfast w/Snowman pancakes
Monday - Clayton's choice - Hotdogs (I'm adding chili to go with these)
Tueaday - Hudson's choice - Chicken with mac/cheese
Wednesday - Out to eat (something Chinese probably)
Thursday - Will's choice - Lasagna
Friday - Will's choice - Roast with potatoes/carrots/onions
Saturday - Clayton's choice - Grilled hamburgers, fries, & baked beans

This is forcing me to prepare better & cook more for my family!
I guess we all win!

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a sneak peek into my day

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