Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Importance of Date Nights

I have to say, having 3 kiddos under the age of 6 doesn't lend itself to much "quality time" for the husband and me. 3 kids is a lot to handle for any babysitter and we really don't want to spend the money for a babysitter and then spend more money going out, so we just don't go out that much! It's the truth! Our weekends are spent at home watching Disney movies, playing ball in the yard, doing tons of laundry, and heading out to the occasional ball game.
However, last night was different - Husband and I celebrated 9 years of marriage! 9 does seem like a long time, but I do admit, I feel like we've been together forever! We did date 4 years prior to getting married - so we've technically been together 13 years! I can't really remember a time, when Will wasn't a part of my life.
We both have changed tremendously since those first days......but on to the present.
Why take the time? Why get a moment away? are just a few reasons.....

10) To finally eat a quiet meal without hearing "Mom, can I have a coke?" "Dad, can I have that?" "How many more bites?"

9) To NOT have more food left on the floor than on your plate when you are finished.

8) To have a conversation without interruptions - "Dad, can you turn on the CD, God Made Me?"

7) To let someone else ENJOY our kiddos for a few moments!

6) Without kiddos, it's amazing how many errands you can tackle in just 2 hours!

5) To enjoy a good meal and taste the food as it goes down (not just inhale your food before a baby cries or a toddler needs a nap!)

4) To ponder & our family complete? should we take a summer vacation?

3) To also ponder..........I wander what the kids are doing? Think the boys are being good? Should we text?

2) To take time to genuinely listen to each other, without the mindless head nodding and distractions.

1) To take a moment to remember why I am totally in love with my partner in this life we have created!

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