However, Gray has his own Top 5 toys! Things that HE loves! All of these are not brand new to Graydon - that's just part of being #3, but he doesn't seem to know or care...... they are - in no particular order........
1) His Swing - Gray loves being outside just as much as his big brothers. While they are swinging on the bigger swings, playing ball in the yard, or pretending to play basketball - G is usually found in this swing. On many occasions, he has been known to drop his head and fall asleep right here. Such a sweet boy!

2) His walker (that Aunt Shannie insisted he NEEDED!) - He still hasn't really got the hang of this toy. But, it has lots of buttons and even a toy phone. The front of the walker does come off where he can play in on the floor. Big C tries to help him, but he still needs lots of practice!

3) Big Wooden Toy Box - (I'm not sure what the official name of this toy is!) Gray and Hudson love playing with this neat contraption. It has tons of balls, handles, doors to open and turn - a little bit of everything! It's now becoming a pull-up toy for Gray.

4) A ball - Gray loves any type of ball (I guess it's a boy thing). He loves to sit in the grass and toss a ball back and forth with Mommy/Daddy or brothers. He smiles and chuckles and we pass the ball together. It's such a sweet moment. Just tonight - Hudson and I sat on a large quit at C's baseball game, tossing a baseball with Gray.

5) His 2 big brothers! Gray's most favorite thing is his 2 brothers! He wants to be where they are - whether that be outside, upstairs crawling around, squeezed between them in the backseat of the jeep, or in the tub! With them, he is always smiling!

Well, here they are.........a list of our Baby G's (soon to be toddler G's) Top 5 List!
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