Thursday, April 14, 2011

Truthful Tuesday (On Thursday) Again!

Ok...., so I'm really bad at "Truthful Tuesdays", but I am getting pretty good at "Truthful Thursdays"! Anyway - after a wild and crazy Spring Break and week to follow, I found myself having quite a bit to jot down.

Here it goes......

1) I DID NOT tell my husband this week during by bout with strep throat, that I would much rather be in labor than dealing with this. And, much to my surprise, his reply, "Honestly, you handled labor so much better!"

2) I DID NOT find myself taking 1, 2, or yes - maybe 7 Hydro-codone pills in just 2.5 days. I'm pretty sure Sunday and Monday are just foggy glimpses of memories.

3) I absolutely LOVE working in the yard. Or even better, thinking of a plan, designing it in my head, and then kindly asking my husband to do the "manly" work while I sit back and observe and NEVER critique! (ok - sometimes critique a little)

4) As noted in last week's truthful list - I have yet to cook my family one meal this week......again! I'm becoming a total failure in this department. Well - Monday and Tuesday strep throat, Wednesday - Will made spaghetti, Thursday - late night at school - so Will and little boys had to fend for themselves, while C and I had Wendy's, Tomorrow - who knows! - maybe I'll make a recovery! Oh yeah - Family Haircuts at 5:30 - never mind.

5) I WOULD NEVER leave my classroom for 2 days without any formal written plans. But - yes I did! I did have the plans my team creates - a brief review and I have an absolutely wonderful student teacher who can improvise on a moment's notice. So, when I texted her Monday morning to tell her I wasn't going to be there and then again on Tuesday morning - she totally went with it!

6) Monday all boys went to the doctor to confirm what we already knew - big boys had strep throat. Monday - C stayed home and I DID NOT send him to school on Tuesday. In my defense, he never had any symptoms (no fever, sore throat, body ache, nothing!) And, the doctor told Will that with strep throat you are contagious up to 5 days before symptoms, and not once the meds are in your system???? Anyway, the note excused him until Wednesday, but he went Tuesday! - hope no harm was done!

7) I ABSOLUTELY KNOW that my Gray is the cutest, chunkiest baby on the planet! He just melts me!

8) I am proud to announce that I love party-planning! Yes - I'm a party addict! I have been planning Gray's 1st birthday for months and have many of the details (cake, snacks, theme) decided - just not purchased.

Well.......there it is folks - a Truly Truthful Thursday - enjoy!

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