Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Truthful Tuesday

This is my first "Truthful Tuesday" - so here it goes........

1) I did have Huds sing this song at least 5 times, in order to get a great video where you could hear all of the words.

2) I truly enjoyed my day at home with two sweet little boys, even though Baby G is terribly sick and Little H is headed down the "sick path" also.

3) I love spending days off, watching endless amounts of cartoons with the kiddos - Chugginton, Clifford, Caillou, and Jungle Junction are some of my favorites!

4) I did let my mom come over the help with the laundry today, even though I was home. (......Like I said, I had two sick boys!)

5) I did let Hudson eat lunch at the coffee table and take a nap in his Batman mask because he was not feeling well today. (two things my mom would NEVER do!)

6) I think I have guilted Will into NOT going to the gym tonight. (It's been a long, hard days - two sick little boys........you know)

7) I am blogging while my husband is mopping the kitchen - I am terrible!

8) In my defense, I did cook dinner, clean the kitchen, and finish the laundry my mom had started.

Ok,.......I think that's enough honesty for today!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha!!! Too funny. Where are your kids while Will mops and you blog? C is babysitting again, isn't he? Haaaaa!
